11 Reasons to Take a Customer Service Job in Tucson, Arizona

February 14, 2023 in Afni News

Not only does a customer service job help to build people skills that are vital for any profession, but it can also be a rewarding job that enhances your problem-solving abilities and keeps you on your toes.

Working in customer service often means a new adventure every day. You'll deal with different people, solve various problems and ultimately impact your company's reputation in a big way.

Reasons to Take a Customer Service Job in Tucson, Arizona
(Jep Gambardella / pexels)

Customer service jobs in Tucson, Arizona, are highly sought after because of the year-round warmth and desert sunsets, the quality of life, the strong economy, the cowboy feel, and vast business opportunities. So, if you've been thinking about relocating and changing careers, the Old Pueblo may be the perfect place to plant roots, and customer service may be the perfect industry to jump into. Exploring new places and immersing yourself in different cultures is a great way to build character and learn about your likes and dislikes.

Tucson's Demographics

With a population of around 543,000, Tucson is ideal for many who have some City Slicker inside but feel overwhelmed in huge cities such as L.A. and Phoenix. Tucson is a great happy medium. You get that city feel, but the traffic, hustle, and bustle aren't as crazy as cities with populations in the millions.

Let's talk about the cost of living. In this beautiful Arizona city, the cost of living is 6% lower than the national average, making it an affordable place to live and raise a family. Housing prices are a whopping 25% lower than the national average, making it a perfect choice for first-time home-buyers.

Because of the affordability, Tucson is growing at a steady clip. Many are leaving more expensive areas to enjoy a more affordable lifestyle in Tucson. Here are 11 more reasons residents are lucky to call Tucson their home.

1. Endless Outdoor Activities

Not only are there mountains in every direction in this beautiful Arizona city to take in from your front porch, there's also plenty of hiking and biking.

When standing in Tucson, there are four mountain ranges surrounding you:

  • The Santa Catalina Mountains (to the north)
  • The Santa Rita Mountains (to the south)
  • The Rincon Mountains (to the east)
  • The Tucson mountains (West)

Local rock climbers take full advantage of the mountain ranges. Put your hiking shoes on for some of the state's best hiking. Try Saguaro National Park, Sabino Canyon, Tanque Verde Falls, Catalina State Park, Pima Canyon, and Tumamoc Hill. These hikes allow you to feel like you're out of the city without having to drive far. Tucson also puts on plenty of marathons for avid, novice, or beginner runners; all are welcome!

2. Sunshine all Year

Say goodbye to seasonal depression. Your hair and skin can stay sun-kissed all year long in this beautiful desert oasis full of blue skies all year round. The summers may be intense, reaching above 100 degrees during the summer months, but isn't that better than below-freezing temperatures that other states experience in the winter?

The plus side is that there's practically 0 humidity in Tucson, so the heat doesn't stick to you and turn your hair into a frizz ball. If you're moving from a state with an intense winter, you can kiss your ice scraper goodbye.

3. Desert Sunsets

If you've yet to experience a desert sunset, you're in for a treat. It's like ending your evening with beautiful art in the sky. Think vivid cotton candy skies intertwined with deep orange and purple hues every evening. Some skies are so pretty they almost look fake. And since nights are warm, you can enjoy the views from outside.

4. A Swimmer's Serenity

Swimming is significant here because of the year-round warm weather that allows for longer pool seasons. It's a popular sport and hobby, and many homes in Tucson have pools in the backyard. If you're an aquatic sports lover, you'll be able to soak up all the pool time you want after work and on weekends.

5. Yumminess All-Around

Would you trust a taco from Missouri? Or New Hampshire? You can trust them in Tucson! With the city’s proximity to Mexico, there's no shortage of authentic Sonoran-style Mexican Cuisine. Hello homemade flour tortillas, carne asada, and chimichangas! Not only is the food authentic, but so is the environment in most Mexican restaurants with the decor and music to recreate that south-of-the-border feel.

6. College Town with Lots of Job Opportunities

Living in a college town is fun on game day or any other big event. The city comes together sporting its Wildcat pride. The University of Arizona also offers job opportunities with a student body of just over 50,000 and around 3,300 employees. The university's positive impact is evident in the Tucson job market as graduates often feed into local jobs, keeping the economy strong. In 2019, Tucson was named one of the top cities for emerging tech. The university has a wide variety of programs, from STEM-centered degrees to arts, entertainment, and medical school. There's a degree and job for everyone.

7. Fresh Produce for the Win

Being close to California, Mexico, and Yuma County (the third largest vegetable producer in the nation!) has many perks, but one of them is access to fresh produce. The grocery stores are stocked with good quality products at affordable prices. That is a rarity for many other U.S. states. Now is the time to enjoy eating healthy without breaking the bank!

8. Don't Have to Worry about Natural Disasters

Most parts of the country have natural disasters they are known for: tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods. But guess what? Tucson has yet to be known for any of them. There are some natural disasters on record, but they are scarce, which can be very refreshing if you're moving from a place that gets struck with disaster often.

9. Won't Be Bugged as Much

Arizona's hot climate means fewer bugs. How nice would it be to have dinner in your backyard without getting speckled by bug bites? Welcome to Tucson, where your bugless dreams come true. You can also go on as many hikes near bushes as you'd like without worrying about ticks.

10. Close Proximity to Amazing Landmarks

One of the most appealing parts of residing in Tucson is its location. You're only five hours to the famous Grand Canyon, four hours to Flagstaff, which feels like a different world, and six hours to beautiful San Diego beaches and Mexico. And we must remember that the happiest place on earth is only a seven-hour drive. It's common for Arizonans to be Disneyland pass holders.

11. Stargazing

Another perk to desert living are the clear skies that create glistening nights. Thanks to city ordinances that reduce light pollution, stargazing is especially magical in Tucson. Tucson is even home to Kitt Peak National Observatory – "the largest, most diverse gathering of astronomical instruments in the world." So, if you're an astronomy lover, you'll be in your happy place.

Major companies in Tucson search far and wide for friendly, outgoing, and organized individuals to be a part of their customer service teams. Customer service reps are often the first glimpse customers have of a company, and it can make or break their first impression. Customer service reps play a pivotal role in a company's success. If you're driven, organized, love to solve problems and be around people, love the warmth, and don't care for winter, a customer service job in Tucson, Arizona is calling your name.


Due to the year-round warmth and desert sunsets, the high standard of living, the robust economy, the cowboy vibe, and the abundance of business prospects, customer service positions are in great demand in Tucson, Arizona. Therefore, if you've been considering moving and changing occupations, Old Pueblo could be the ideal spot to settle down, and customer service might be the ideal field to enter.

11 Reasons to Work in Tucson, Arizona Infographic


About the Author

is the Recruitment Marketing Manager for Afni and brings a wealth of knowledge and tips for job seekers. She holds a bachelor's degree in public relations and marketing from Mount Saint Vincent University as well as a masters degree in digital marketing and advertising from Liberty University.