
Questions to Ask an Insurance Company During an Interview

April 3, 2024

During a job interview, we, as a hiring company, love candidates who take initiative and show interest. In fact, at Afni, we believe we shouldn’t be the only ones asking questions. So, you should feel free to use some of the questions to ask an insurance company during an interview.

The interview should be a tool for us to get to know you as a person and for us to introduce ourselves as a company. You should feel free to ask us anything you are interested in finding out about our culture, values, job responsibilities, innovation, and everything else relevant to the job position.


Questions to Ask an Insurance Company During an Interview

More often than not, at the end of a job interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. Rather than saying that you have understood everything, this is your opportunity to prove to us that you are interested in the position and want to learn more about the position you are applying for or for the company in general. It is one of the ways to get you closer to landing the best insurance job positions.

Depending on the course of the interview, you might get a chance to ask a question during the interview, not just at the end of it. It’s best to assess the situation and use your judgment to decide the right timing.

While we will let you decide on the correct timing, we have compiled a list of questions to ask an insurance company during an interview. It is highly important to choose the questions wisely. Some questions might send out mixed signals and not work in your favor.


Questions to Ask an Insurance Company During an Interview
Source: / Photo Contributor: Anton Gvozdikov



Questions about company culture and values

The culture in your future workplace should be in line with your personal values. After all, you will be spending most of the day in the office and communicating with your colleagues. Hence, understanding the company culture before taking the job should be important for you.

You can use the job interview to learn more about the company. If you are wondering what questions should I ask an insurance company about their company culture and values, here are some excellent examples:

Questions about job responsibilities and expectations

If you don’t know what to expect in an insurance interview, you should know that we, as employers, will ask you about your job qualifications. That assists us in deciding whether you will be able to do your responsibilities effectively. We will also briefly introduce you to the role you have applied for.

However, it is understandable if you have additional questions about our expectations of you and your day-to-day responsibilities. Regarding this topic, some of the questions you can ask are:

Questions about customer service and client relationships

The job of an insurance agent is to deal with customers. As a representing face of the insurance company, you must get familiar with how client relationships are built. Thus, it will be beneficial for you to ask some of the following questions during your job interview:

Questions about technology and innovation

Some good interview questions to ask an insurance company regarding their technology use and innovation are:


Questions About Technology and Innovation
Source: / Photo Contributor: ASDF_MEDIA



All that you have left now is to prepare your CV, check out our open positions in the insurance industry, and apply. Choose wisely from the questions to ask an insurance company during an interview, and introduce yourself in the correct light. We hope that you will become a part of the Afni family!


is the Recruitment Marketing Manager for Afni and brings a wealth of knowledge and tips for job seekers. She holds a bachelor's degree in public relations and marketing from Mount Saint Vincent University as well as a masters degree in digital marketing and advertising from Liberty University.

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